生活在上海的歪果仁必须知道的“ 保命”秘笈Must-knows About Shanghai Ambulance Service

发表于 讨论求助 2021-12-01 20:32:03



Whether you have been living in China for years, or just arrived, the environment in Shanghai is unique. Language, traffic, air quality, and cultural differences can be challenging. And if accidents can happen everywhere, dealing with them in this context may reveal more stressful than it should be for the unprepared. Anticipating and preparing your plan of action in case of an emergency is the best way to avoid unnecessary anxiety.

Shanghai United Family Hospital has an emergency department ready to help you 24/7, but you may need the assistance of the Shanghai ambulance service to reach the hospital. Such service is always different in each country. Here is what you need to know about the ambulance in Shanghai.


Step 1: Getting help!




To get an ambulance in Shanghai, there is only one number to remember: 120. A service run by the Shanghai Emergency Medical Center. 120 is THE only number able to send help. The line is in Chinese, bu

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